We are delighted to announce the release of SupportPal 5.0.0.
We are delighted to announce the stable release of SupportPal 4.0.0.
We are very pleased to announce the stable release of SupportPal 3.0.0. The new version marks the culmination of many months of development on useful new features.
We are pleased to announce the release of SupportPal 2.6.0. The new version improves upon the stability of the 2.5 series and includes several notable UX enhancements.
We are pleased to announce the stable release of SupportPal 2.5.0. The new version introduces three big new features, an embeddable help widget, ticket trash can, and the ability to automatically add users to organisations based on domain name.
We are pleased to announce the stable release of SupportPal 2.4.0. The focus of this release was to significantly improve what can be achieved with macros, alongside several other notable features and improvements.
We are pleased to announce the stable release of SupportPal 2.3.0 with our flagship new feature, ‘forwarding tickets’. The new release also provides support for PHP 7.1 and 7.2, along with other enhancements.
We are pleased to announce the stable release of SupportPal 2.2.0, introducing multi-language support and our time tracking plugin, alongside many other improvements and bug fixes.
We are pleased to announce the stable release of SupportPal 2.1.0. A milestone release, introducing multi-brands and PHP 7 support, among many other new features and improvements.
Today, we're very excited to share with you a number of big announcements, including the first stable release of v2. As part of the new release, we're changing our company name from ArcticDesk to SupportPal.