We are pleased to announce the release of SupportPal 2.6.0. The new version improves upon the stability of the 2.5 series and includes several notable UX enhancements - some of which are noted below. The full changelog can be seen in our
release notes.
Important notice regarding Facebook channel
On December 31st 2019, Facebook will deprecate one of the permissions that we previously used to handle the downloading of and replying to messages sent to your Facebook page. To ensure this channel continues to operate uninterrupted, we encourage you to read our
upgrade guide and perform the necessary steps before this date.
UX Enhancements
Multiple follow ups per ticketIt is now possible to create more than one follow up per ticket. This can be particularly useful to follow-up with a client the day after a service has been provided, and again a few days later to check everything is still OK.
Blocks of holidaysSometimes we are treated to more than a single day of holiday. It’s now possible to create a holiday which covers multiple days, for example the week covering Christmas to New Year.
Client-side ticket filtersIt has been frequently requested that customers should not miss out on the filtering abilities that are available to staff. Customers can now make use of a number of filters to better search for their tickets.
Upgrade Process
Please read our
upgrade guide for the full list of changes that may affect you.
Download the release at our
downloads area (login required).