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SupportPal 3.4.0 Released

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Today we're releasing version 3.4.0, a minor release in the 3.x series.

Docker Support

Docker support has been a long-awaited feature. It's now possible to install SupportPal via docker-compose. The installation includes all recommended dependencies and settings — find out more. Docker

Translation Improvements

SupportPal has long had translation support and offered a number of community-contributed language packs. In this release we have put a great deal of effort into removing hundreds of preset words/phrases and replacing them with language variables.

Spanish Translation

Spanish We are very pleased to announce that SupportPal is now fully translated into Spanish, and the language files are now included within the release. The translation can be enabled by browsing to Settings > Languages. It not only includes all of our language files, but also widgets, ticket channels, getting started data and email templates.

Google Translate Plugin

Google Translate Plugin
Google Translate is a great tool to aid with replying to foreign customers. We have added a plugin which makes use of Google Cloud's Translation API to translate individual ticket messages with a single click.


Licensing Improvements

New Minimum PHP Version

Several improvements have been made to our licensing infrastructure to enhance its resilience and ability to function offline. The license client embedded into SupportPal will now only invalidate the license after it's been unable to contact for 7 days. Furthermore, all API calls are now non-terminal so, for example, accessing the license information page during downtime will no longer invalidate the local license.

Security Improvements

New Minimum PHP Version

This release includes a minor backwards compatibility break which we do not expect to impact any customers. The minimum required PHP version has been increased from 7.2.0 to 7.2.5. If you're still using PHP 7.2 we strongly encourage you to upgrade to an actively supported version (PHP 7.3 or 7.4).

MySQL Strict Mode

In 3.3.0 we enabled MySQL strict mode for all new installations but held back to allow existing customers to update any custom code they had written. We have now enabled MySQL strict mode for all customers.

Logout Other Devices

When changing your password or enabling two-factor authentication, all other active sessions will now be terminated.

Performance Improvements

In every release, we continue to improve SupportPal's performance. Some improvements made in this release are:
  • Improved file upload database query speed on large upload tables.
  • Ticket message loading is now synchronous to prevent DoS on large tickets.
  • Loading of ticket view text editors which are not visible is now deferred.
  • Polling for notifications now only runs from the last active tab or window..
  • Polling for new ticket messages now only runs when the tab or window is visible.
  • Cache-Control headers are now set on embedded images in ticket messages.
  • Bug fixed where messages greater than 102 KB were not clipped.

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