We are pleased to announce the third maintenance release in the SupportPal 2.0 series. This latest release contains over 65 changes, including 39 new features and improvements, some of which are detailed below.
SSL enforced everywhere
Enabling the SSL option in the general settings will now force HTTPS for the frontend, operator panel and API. We recommend using this setting if possible, as Google factors secure connections into its
search ranking algorithm.
This change does mean that if you are currently using the API or WHMCS integration with SSL enabled, you must use only the HTTPS version of your URL for it to continue functioning as normal. Please ensure to update and verify this before upgrading to 2.0.3.
Improved canned responses searching
Finding canned responses when replying to tickets has become significantly easier and searching has improved. The popup will now show up to 10 most commonly used or recent responses based on your ordering preference and can show more without even needing to search. Tags can now also be assigned to canned responses, providing a way of categorising and searching for related responses.
The option to add a canned response has also been made available in the open new ticket page. Ticket merge fields will not be available when adding a response to a new ticket, and such fields will be filled in as blank.
Default reply options
In your personal settings, it is now possible to choose what reply options should be selected by default when replying to a ticket. For example, you may wish to always return to the grid and change the ticket status after replying. A simple change which may save several clicks on each ticket reply.
As there a lot of changes and improvements in this release, we recommend to read our
release notes before upgrading, which also contains the full changelog.
Download the release at our
downloads area (login required).
Update (12th October 2016)We've updated the download to include three patches for the following issues:
(DEV-953) - Emails with multiple body parts sometimes defaults to text/plain, displaying HTML as plain text.
(DEV-959) - Inline file attachments are ignored.
(DEV-965) - Canned response search not working in MySQL 5.6+.
If you experience any of these issues, you can simply re-download the release and upload it over your installation. It is not a necessary update and the above patches will be included in the next release.