Google has announced the shutdown of reCAPTCHA v1 to take place on 31st March 2018. We have made a patch available for existing users to continue using the Captcha without any disruption.
Earlier today suffered downtime which unfortunately caused temporary loss of service to a small number of customers (~3.5%).
It's been two months since the stable release of SupportPal v2, and we thought it would be interesting to review aspects of the development process from the start to where we are today.
The WHMCS integration script has been updated to support the new WHMCS v6.
We have now updated our migration script to include an option for Kayako v3. The update also contains a few bug fixes and takes advantage of some new features in ArcticDesk v1.2.4.
We've been hard at work over the past couple of months since the last release and feel it's time that we updated you on our progress. Whilst we don't have a new release to announce today, we do have several awesome product related announcements.