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ArcticDesk v1.1.0-RC1 Released, updated WHMCS integration

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We are pleased to announce the release of ArcticDesk v1.1.0-RC1. The update includes more than 40 bug fixes, enhancements and new features to all aspects of the application. Highlights include internal ticket support, custom ticket statuses and the ability to automatically assign an operator for tickets to a single department. It also includes major updates to the operator panel and ticket view interface. The full changelog can be found below. The update is available to download immediately from our client area.

We anticipate this to be the last release before we finally shred the beta label from ArcticDesk. The next release will simply be called v1.1.0 and will contain bug fixes and minor enhancement based on user feedback of this release. We expect the stable release to land in a couple of weeks.

We have also released a minor update to the WHMCS integration which fixes a few bugs and also makes use of some of the extra functionality found in v1.1.0-RC1. This update is also available to download immediately from our client area. If you are already using the WHMCS integration, you can upgrade by simply overwriting all the existing files on your server with those from the download.

New Features

(AD-234) - Added a notification when a user closes a ticket
(AD-313) - Now show the ticket status in the ticket listing
(AD-316) - Updated the track URL in user emails to link directly to the ticket
(AD-317) - Added ability to add custom ticket statuses and change the color of existing statuses
(AD-328) - Added ability to reset password and email it to the user
(AD-331) - Operators can now open internal tickets from the operator panel
(AD-333) - Added a setting to specify how the operators name should be displayed to users
(AD-334) - Added ability to set a default assigned operator for all tickets to a department
(AD-344) - Added ability to make canned responses visible to all operators
(AD-345) - Added ability to save draft replies
(AD-354) - Now offer a check to validate SMTP credentials


(AD-145) - Added ability to specify a senders email address for user emails
(AD-145) - Changed subject of ticket related emails for users to the ticket subject and added option to send email as the operator name
(AD-226) - Used ticket statuses colour throughout the application and in the WHMCS integration
(AD-233) - Added "alert" bar for closed tickets in the frontend and WHMCS integration
(AD-286) - Updated all sections to use a better notification system on add, edit and delete
(AD-310) - Tidied up the navigation options, added submenus and placed the ticket tree menu on all pages
(AD-325) - Updated admin search to show additional ticket information inline
(AD-338) - Added ability to change the sort order of ticket replies
(AD-339) - Now show the allowed file types on upload forms in the frontend
(AD-341) - Added an option to auto-close tickets with a custom status
(AD-348) - Separated the frontend and operator panel IP bans, frontend now bans on five incorrect attempts
(AD-350) - Improved the interface for listing announcements, articles and downloads

Bug Fixes

(AD-312) - Signature fixed in replied to Twitter and Facebook tickets
(AD-314) - Removed rogue variable that is being displayed in Twitter tickets
(AD-315) - Fixed the list of categories on the article/download edit page
(AD-319) - Operator notifications no longer show for departments that you are not assigned to
(AD-320) - Fixed PHP error produced when IP has been banned in certain situations
(AD-321) - Fixed PHP error when editing your profile from the admin panel
(AD-323) - System now sends emails to users when tickets are opened through the WHMCS integration
(AD-327) - License information has now been corrected
(AD-329) - Fixed bug which stopped operators uploading a user avatar
(AD-330) - Fixed the "Add/Remove Widgets" dashboard feature
(AD-332) - Stopped blank entries being submitted in the to-do list
(AD-340) - System no longer sends an email when you assign a ticket to yourself
(AD-342) - Fixed an error generated by a rich text canned response under certain situations
(AD-343) - Fixed PHP error thrown by servers with no protocols
(AD-349) - The installer no longer creates an account if the operator passwords do not match
(AD-351) - Various PHP errors
(AD-356) - Fixed a bug with operator add and edit failing due to password in the API
(AD-357) - System no longer sends an email to the operator that opens a ticket from the operator panel
(AD-359) - Articles and downloads category counts now include subcategory totals

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